​​​​​​​​​​​Contact US​

The Office of Economic Development specializes in business growth, expansion strategies, and navigating local regulatory processes to deliver tailored solutions for your business. Our dedicated team is committed to fostering economic vitality and creating a thriving environment where diverse businesses can establish, expand, and succeed in Sacramento County.​

Office of Economic Devel​opment

700 H Street, Suite 6750
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 874-5220 FAX: (916) 874-4390
General Inquiries: EconomicDevelopment@saccounty.gov  


Crystal Bethke, Director of Economic Development
(916) 874-8606 | bethkec@saccounty.gov  ​

Business Assistance

Linzie Fukushima, Senior Economic Development Specialist
(916) 874-7414 | fukushimal@saccounty.gov

Jean Coleman, Economic Development Specialist
(916) 874-4210 | colemanj@saccounty.gov

Lili Hernandez, Economic Development Specialist
(​916) 874-4558 | hernandezl@saccounty.gov

​Business Development​

Jerrod Voong, Economic Development Specialist

(916) 874-​​4426 | voongj@saccounty.gov

Kent Craney, Principal Civil Engineer
(916) 876-4120 | craneyk@saccounty.gov

Business Environmental Resource Center

Chase Stremsterfer, Permit and Environmental Regulatory Consultant II
(916) 874-1008 | stremsterferc@saccounty.gov

Kelli Fry, Permit and Environmental Regulatory Consultant II
(916) 87​4-1028 | fryk@saccounty.gov

Base Reuse: Mather and McClel​​lan

David Norris, Principal Civil Engineer
(916) 874-5220 | norrisd@saccounty.gov


Margie Daugherty, Senior Administrative Analyst
(916) 874-2861  | daughertym@saccounty.gov

Tisha Tolliver, Administrative Services Officer I
(916) 874-4417 | tollivert@saccounty.go​v

Melissa Bauer, Administrative Services Officer II
(916) 874-2555  | bauerme@saccounty.gov  ​

Candy Solorio, Accounty Clerk II
(916) 874-4460  | solorioca@saccounty.gov​   ​