​​​​​​​​​Contact US​

The Office of Economic Development has expertise in business development, expansion strategies and working with local regulatory agencies to find solutions for your busin​ess. Our team is dedicated to enhancing the economic vitality of the community and encouraging diverse businesses to locate, expand and thrive in Sacramento County.

Office of Economic Devel​opment

700 H Street, Suite 6750
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 874-5220 FAX: (916) 874-4390
General Inquiries: EconomicDevelopment@saccounty.gov  


Crystal Bethke, Director of Economic Development
(916) 874-8606 | bethkec@saccounty.gov  ​

Business Assistance

Linzie Fukushima, Senior Economic Development Specialist
(916) 874-7414 | fukushimal@saccounty.gov

Jean Coleman, Economic Development Specialist
(916) 874-4210 | colemanj@saccounty.gov

Lili Hernandez, Economic Development Specialist
(​916) 874-4558 | hernandezl@saccounty.gov

​Business Development​

Jerrod Voong, Economic Development Specialist

(916) 874-​​4426 | voongj@saccounty.gov

Kent Craney, Principal Civil Engineer
(916) 876-4120 | craneyk@saccounty.gov

Business Environmental Resource Center

Chase Stremsterfer, Permit and Environmental Regulatory Consultant II
(916) 874-1008 | stremsterferc@saccounty.gov

Kelli Fry, Permit and Environmental Regulatory Consultant II
(916) 87​4-1028 | fryk@saccounty.gov

Base Reuse: Mather and McClel​​lan

David Norris, Principal Civil Engineer
(916) 874-5220 | norrisd@saccounty.gov


Margie Daugherty, Senior Administrative Analyst
(916) 874-2861  | daughertym@saccounty.gov

Tisha Tolliver, Administrative Services Officer I
(916) 874-4417 | tollivert@saccounty.go​v

Melissa Bauer, Administrative Services Officer II
(916) 874-2555  | bauerme@saccounty.gov  ​